Required params are: duration and channel title. The first line starts with #EXTINF: (duration) (attributes), (channel title). In this example there are 3 channels: BBC World, CNN International and Arirang. #EXTINF:0 tvg-name="CNN" audio-track="rus", CNN InternationalĪs you can see from this example the M3U file represents the set of pairs of lines which describes the source of signal (link) and parameters. #EXTINF:0 tvg-name="BBC" audio-track="eng" tvg-logo="", BBC World

The second line of the pair containes only uri (link) of content. The first line of the pair always starts form #EXTINF: text identifier. Any M3U file starts with #EXTM3U text identifier in the first line. It can be edited by application Notepad from accessories Windows. Playlist in M3U is ordinary text document which is encoded in UTF-8. Also you can read about additional params which were brought in to expand SS IPTV's opportunities and used only in it. This section describes general aspects of Extended M3U format which are not unique for our app.